Ramming Mass

Ramming Mass

Uniform size distribution is an essential to ensure good compact lining and least open space between particles which results in greater strength and life of the furnace. 20 Microns offers consistent quality of Ramming Mass produced by crushing and grading of good quality Quartz, and this high purity Quartz yields more lining life. It also results in considerable uniformity in physical properties. Produced by using carefully controlled facility, our Ramming Mass is well accepted  in Coreless Induction Furnaces for melting of scrap to liquid steel. It is a dry lining refractory that can be used for all types of iron, steel, aluminum and foundries.


  • Micron Sil RM: It is produced by crushing and grading of good quality quartz , this high purity silica yields more lining life. It also results in considerable uniformity in physical properties. The more compact lining results in greater strength and life. The compactness (packing density) depends upon granulometric composition of ramming mass. It should be such that it forms the least open space between particles.

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